Monday, October 24, 2011


I've suddenly been overcome with some sort of fiery rage.  The kind where I won't be able to sleep unless I get it out of me, and of course I channel it all towards one person in a scene in my head of how I would unleash my wrath if I ever had the nerve (or opportunity).

For some reason I'm just so mad at Riley.  With his smug looks and little comments I just want to scream at him...
"You know NOTHING about my life!  Seriously, tell me everything you know about me.  Not your perception of my personality, solid facts.  I'm 21, have a twin sister, and went to school with Jacob.  Right?  Yea that's probably about it.  You have no idea that after watching my dad slowly kill himself all my life he finally died in my arms when I was 17.  And that less than two years later I was essentially homeless and for over two years after that I worked an AVERAGE of 50 hours a week to support myself.  You don't know that while I was being a fucking grown up I was helping raise the niece who was born the same day my dad died because her own mother just couldn't handle it.
Oh and the relationships, you know nothing.  You know nothing about the boy who told me I wasn't any good in bed and he wants to fuck my sister.  Or what about the one whose ex girlfriend moved into his apartment while I was on vacation, dumped me the day I got home, sold all his sister's belongings, and screamed that I'm the biggest fucking cunt he's ever met and it's MY fault he broke the law.  Oh but wait, did you know about the guy who hooked up with both my sisters, settled for then fucking me for three years, and finally decided he just didn't like my personality and is now fucking a girl I've known since the day I was born and was raised as another sister-on my bed.. Did you know about all that?  Didn't think so.
Trust me when I tell you that I have no interest in dating you.  When I have a shitty day or get bad news or even get great news, I don't want to tell you about it.  If I text you it's because I want to physically de-stress.  It's not because I have any interest in your life, or want to say even two words about mine.  My interest in you is purely physical and I'm SORRY if you're too big of a pansy ass control freak to accept that.
Yes, you're sexy as hell and I'll be the first to admit that.  Which is exactly why you have this chip on your shoulder, but guess what?  I'm not going to beg you.  I'm not that fucking ugly and I don't need your complex trying to drag me down like the rest of them.  You don't know anything about me or my life, so either knock your shit off, man up, and meet my very basic needs.. Or admit that I might actually be better than you and walk the fuck away."

Ahh sigh of relief.  Of course that speech would be delivered sober, in my nurse costume, at the Halloween party in front of 20 people who would all clap as I downed a shot at the end.  Ha, ha, ha.

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